5 Common Running Pains (And How to Fix Them)

Whether you’re new to the sport or highly experienced, runners often deal with a wide variety of injuries and exercise-related pain. At Picture of Health Chiropractic & Nutrition in Roseville, we provide support to relieve your pain and help you heal. Here are five common pains that runners face, and how our chiropractic care for runners can help.

1. Runner's Knee

A runner’s knee can be caused by how you run or by a defect in the knee. This results in the lining of the knee becoming inflamed, causing pain around the kneecap along with worn cartilage or strained tendons. We may recommend cold therapy to reduce swelling along with rest. We’ll also help perform stretching exercises to reduce knee pain while building the muscles around your knee to strengthen it.

2. Shin Splints

Many runners experience shin splints when overworking the tendons, muscles, and bones. Shin splints cause knee and ankle pain, and chiropractic adjustments are highly recommended. We also recommend deep tissue massage and myofascial release to help reduce knee pain from shin splints.

3. Plantar Fasciitis

Inflammation that occurs along the band underneath the foot that connects the toes and heel can cause a condition called plantar fasciitis. Chiropractic care may include regular exercises, specific types of stretches, and myofascial release to help with a speedy recovery.

4. Achilles Tendonitis

This issue occurs when the Achilles tendon, which runs along the back of the calf to the heel, becomes torn or strained. This condition often leads to extreme ankle, foot, and knee pain. You may receive electronic muscle stimulation, stretching, and myofascial release to improve circulation in the tendons, which should reduce your pain over time.

5. IT Band Syndrome

While it sounds like it could be a computer programming problem, the IT band is actually a thick band that runs from your hip to the shin. Over time, it can become weak and overused, causing runners a lot of pain. Our recommended course of chiropractic care for IT band syndrome may include doing specific stretches and exercises to help you get relief while fixing the issue in the process.

Contact Us for Pain Relief Today

Are you looking for a chiropractor near you? Runners don’t need to suffer from pain or give up their favorite activity. If you’re dealing with knee pain, ankle pain, or other issues associated with running, contact Picture of Health Chiropractic & Nutrition in Roseville, CA at (916) 788-2780 today.

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